How to Dry Leather Gloves? – Thin, Suede, Thick & More

Drying leather gloves properly is a crucial step in their care and maintenance

If you’ve ever had to deal with wet leather gloves, you know how tricky it can be to dry them properly. Don’t worry!

You can avoid damage and keep your gloves in great shape with the right approach.

I once left my favorite leather gloves out in the rain and was anxious about drying them without causing any harm. It’s a common concern, and the fear of ruining them can be overwhelming.

Today, we’ll cover how to dry leather gloves effectively, how long it typically takes, the best methods, and crucial precautions to ensure they stay in top condition. 

Whether your gloves have been exposed to rain, snow, or simply the moisture from your hands, the right drying techniques can preserve their quality and ensure they continue to provide the comfort and protection you rely on. 

Let’s make sure your leather gloves are dried safely and remain as good as new!


How to Dry Leather Gloves - an infographic

How to Dry Leather Gloves?

Drying leather gloves effectively requires careful consideration of the type of leather and proper materials. Leather can vary in thickness and composition, so drying times may differ. Here’s a table with approximate drying times for different types of leather gloves:

Leather Type Materials Required Purpose Drying Process Drying Time
Thin Leather Clean, dry cloth Absorb excess moisture Gently pat gloves to remove surface moisture. 1-2 hours
  Ventilated area Promote air circulation Hang gloves in a well-ventilated space at room temp.  
      Avoid direct heat sources like radiators or sunlight.  
Medium Leather Clean, dry cloth Absorb excess moisture Pat gloves to remove surface moisture. 2-4 hours
  Ventilated area Promote air circulation Hang gloves in a well-ventilated space at room temp.  
      Avoid direct heat sources like radiators or sunlight.  
Thick Leather Clean, dry cloth Absorb excess moisture Gently pat gloves to remove surface moisture. 4-6 hours
  Ventilated area Promote air circulation Hang gloves in a well-ventilated space at room temp.  
      Avoid direct heat sources like radiators or sunlight.  
Suede Leather Clean, dry cloth Absorb excess moisture Blot gloves gently to remove surface moisture. 2-4 hours
  Ventilated area Promote air circulation Hang gloves in a well-ventilated space at room temp.  
      Avoid direct heat sources like radiators or sunlight.  
Exotic Leather Clean, dry cloth Absorb excess moisture Pat gloves to remove surface moisture. 2-4 hours
  Ventilated area Promote air circulation Hang gloves in a well-ventilated space at room temp.  
      Avoid direct heat sources like radiators or sunlight.  


  • Drying times are approximate and can vary based on humidity levels, room temperature, and the specific thickness of the leather.
  • Never use direct heat sources like hairdryers, radiators, or ovens to speed up the drying process, as this can damage the leather.
  • It’s crucial to maintain the glove’s shape while drying to prevent wrinkles or misshaping. You can stuff them with newspaper or use glove shapers.
  • Check the gloves periodically during drying to ensure they’re not stiffening or losing their shape. Reconditioning may be necessary if they become overly dry.

How Long Do Leather Gloves Take to Dry?

Leather gloves typically take several hours to a day or more to dry completely. 

The exact time can vary widely depending on the level of moisture, the type of leather, and drying conditions. Patience is key to ensuring that the gloves dry properly without damage.

How Do You Dry Soaking Wet Leather Gloves?

Drying soaking-wet leather gloves requires extra care to prevent damage. Here’s how to do it:

  • Gently pat the gloves with a clean, dry towel to remove excess moisture.
  • Reshape the gloves to their original form, ensuring the fingers and palms are properly aligned.
  • Place the gloves in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, away from direct heat sources.
  • Allow them to air dry naturally. Consider gently stuffing them with clean, dry towels or tissue paper to help maintain their shape.

What Happens if Leather Gloves Get Wet?

When leather gloves get wet, they can experience several issues:

  • Loss of natural oils, which can lead to dryness and stiffness.
  • Discoloration or water spots on the leather.
  • Weakening of the leather fibers, making them more susceptible to tearing or stretching.

  It’s important to dry wet leather gloves properly to mitigate these effects.

Can I Dry My Gloves in the Microwave?

No, you should never attempt to dry leather gloves (or any leather items) in the microwave. 

Microwave heat is uneven and can cause the leather to become excessively dry, brittle, and prone to cracking or warping. Stick to air drying at room temperature in a well-ventilated area to ensure the leather maintains its quality and appearance.

How to Keep Your Gloves Dry and Protect Them From Freezing?

To keep your gloves dry and protect them from freezing, especially in cold and wet conditions, consider these tips:

  • Look for gloves with a waterproof or water-resistant outer layer to keep moisture out.
  • Ensure your gloves fit snugly without being too tight to maintain warmth and comfort.
  • Inspect your gloves for any damage or wear, such as holes or worn-out seams. Repair or replace damaged gloves promptly to maintain their effectiveness.

Can You Dry Leather Gloves in a Dryer?

Drying leather gloves in a dryer is generally not recommended. The heat and mechanical action of a dryer can cause the leather to become overly dry, stiff, and potentially damaged. 

Instead, it’s best to air-dry leather gloves at room temperature in a well-ventilated area. 

Proper drying techniques help preserve the quality and appearance of leather gloves while avoiding potential harm from excessive heat or friction.


So now you know how to dry leather gloves.

Proper drying techniques are essential for maintaining the integrity and longevity of your leather gloves. 

By following these methods and taking the time to allow your gloves to air dry naturally, you can ensure they remain in optimal condition, ready to provide both style and protection for your hands. 

Remember that patience is key when it comes to drying leather, and avoiding excessive heat or other damaging methods will help ensure that your gloves continue to serve you well for many seasons to come.

James Chiles

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