How to Clean Lambskin Leather? Complete Guide

Have you ever looked at your lambskin leather jacket or bag and wondered how to keep it as clean as the day you bought it?

If you’re like me, you probably feel anxious whenever a spot of dirt appears or an unexpected spill happens.

Lambskin leather, with its soft texture and smooth finish, is a real luxury and deserves the best care. But how do you clean something so delicate without damaging it?

In this blog post, I’ll share essential tips and tricks for safely cleaning and maintaining lambskin leather.

How to Clean Lambskin Leather Infographic

Pre-Cleaning Considerations

When cleaning lambskin leather, it’s important to take into account a few things to make sure you don’t damage the delicate material. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

1. Examine the Leather Item

First, take a good look at your lambskin leather item. Whether it’s a jacket, a bag, or some other accessory, inspect it thoroughly.

Look for any existing damage like scratches, tears, or stains. Knowing what you’re dealing with will help you tailor your cleaning approach.

2. Read Manufacturer’s Care Instructions

Check the manufacturer’s care label or instructions provided with the item. Follow specific cleaning recommendations to avoid damaging the leather.

3. Set Up a Cleaning Area

Choose a clean, well-ventilated space with plenty of light. Lay out all your materials so they’re within easy reach.

I usually set up on my kitchen table with a protective cloth underneath to catch any drips or spills

4. Conduct a Spot Test

Find an inconspicuous area on your item, like the inside of a pocket or a hidden corner. Apply a small amount of your chosen cleaner and wait a few minutes.

This way, you can check for any adverse reactions like discoloration or texture changes before you commit to cleaning the entire item.

I once skipped this step on a new bag and ended up with a discolored patch.

5. Protective Measures

A little protection goes a long way. Wearing gloves can protect your hands and prevent dirt from transferring to the leather.

How to Clean Lambskin Leather?

Cleaning lambskin leather requires gentle care to maintain its softness and appearance. Here’s a guide on how to clean lambskin leather by hand, using a machine, and deep cleaning.

Materials Required

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Mild soap or detergent
  • Water
  • Soft cloth or sponge
  • Mild detergent
  • Soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner

1. Cleaning Lambskin Leather by Hand

This is the most common and recommended method, especially for delicate items like jackets and bags.

Dilute a small amount of mild soap or leather cleaner in distilled water to create a gentle cleaning solution. I once used too much soap and ended up with a sticky residue.

Dampen a soft cloth with your cleaning solution and gently wipe the leather. Take another soft cloth dampened with water and wipe away soap residue.

2. Cleaning Lambskin Leather in a Machine

I generally don’t recommend machine washing lambskin leather because it’s so delicate, but if you’re dealing with a larger item like a jacket, here’s how you can do it carefully:

Place the lambskin leather item in a mesh laundry bag to protect it during washing. Use a delicate or gentle cycle with cold water and a mild detergent suitable for leather.

Never, ever put lambskin leather in the dryer. Instead, lay it flat on a clean, dry towel and let it air dry naturally.

3. Deep Cleaning Lambskin Leather

Sometimes, regular cleaning isn’t enough, and you need to go deeper. Here’s how:

For deep cleaning, use a specialized leather cleaner. Follow the product instructions carefully and conduct a spot test to ensure compatibility with the lambskin leather.

Apply the cleaner to the leather using a soft brush or cloth.

Use a cloth dampened with distilled water to wipe away cleaner residue. Blot with a dry cloth and let the leather air dry.

After deep cleaning, conditioning is crucial. Apply a generous amount of leather conditioner and let it soak overnight.

I deep-cleaned my heavily used lambskin bag. It looked and felt almost brand new the next day.

4. Storing Your Lambskin Leather

Properly storing your lambskin leather items is essential to keep them clean.

Before putting away my favorite lambskin jacket for the season, I always clean it thoroughly with leather cleaner and apply a conditioner to keep it supple.

Once cleaned, I store it in a breathable dust bag to protect it from dust and light exposure. I avoid plastic bags because they can trap moisture and cause mildew.

I store my leather pieces in a cool, dry closet away from direct sunlight to prevent drying and cracking. Periodically, I take them out to air and inspect for any signs of moisture or mildew.

Source: EMCDevs EMCDevs YT Channel

How To Remove Stains From Lambskin Leather?

Here’s how you can effectively remove stains and keep your leather looking pristine:

First, identify what kind of stain it is. Different stains require different removal techniques.

1. Oil Stains

Blot the stain with a clean cloth to absorb as much oil as possible. Sprinkle cornstarch or baking soda on the stain and let it sit for a few hours to absorb more oil.

Gently brush off the powder and wipe the area with a damp cloth. Allow the leather to air dry away from direct heat or sunlight.

The cornstarch trick saved me when I accidentally brushed against an oily surface at a restaurant. It absorbed most of the oil, and the stain was barely noticeable afterward.

2. Ink Stains

Dab the stain with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover. Gently blot the stain, careful not to spread it further. Clean the area with a damp cloth and let it air dry.

3. Food Stains

Mix mild soap and water and apply it to the stained area with a soft cloth. Gently rub the stain in a circular motion until it lifts.

Wipe the area with a clean, damp cloth and allow it to air dry.

For dried food stains, carefully scrape off any residue with a spoon or a butter knife.

4. Apply Conditioner

Once the stain is removed, apply a leather conditioner to keep the lambskin leather soft and supple.

Common Mistakes to Avoid 

When cleaning lambskin leather, avoiding common mistakes can make a big difference in preserving its beauty and longevity.

One of the biggest mistakes is using harsh cleaners or household products not meant for leather. I once used a household cleaner on my lambskin bag, it left a dull, dry patch.

Never skip the spot test before cleaning. It’s a quick step that can save your leather from potential damage.

Using too much water or soaking the leather can cause it to swell and lose shape. Always use a damp cloth rather than dripping wet, and avoid submerging lambskin leather entirely in water.

I once tried to clean my shoes by dipping them in a bucket of soapy water. They lost shape and took forever to dry.

When cleaning stains, resist the urge to scrub vigorously. Rubbing can spread the stain and damage the leather fibers.

Skipping conditioning can lead to dryness and cracking over time. I once neglected to condition a newly cleaned jacket, it lost its softness over time.

How To Care For And Maintain Lambskin Leather?

Caring for lambskin leather requires proper maintenance to ensure its longevity and beautiful appearance. Here are some essential tips to help you care for and maintain your lambskin leather items:

When not in use, store your lambskin leather items in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. I always store my lambskin leather items in cotton dust bags, they stay fresh.

Direct heat and sunlight can cause lambskin leather to dry out and crack. Avoid exposing your items to extreme temperatures or prolonged sunlight.

Regularly dust off your lambskin leather items with a soft brush or a clean, dry cloth to remove surface dirt and dust. I give my lambskin jacket a quick wipe down after each wear

Avoid using harsh chemicals, alcohol-based products, or abrasive cleaners on your lambskin leather items as they can damage the leather’s delicate surface.

If you have multiple lambskin leather items, consider rotating their usage to prevent excessive wear on one item. I rotate between my lambskin bags to avoid wearing one out too quickly. This simple habit keeps all my bags in great condition

Periodically inspect your lambskin leather items for any signs of damage, such as scuffs, scratches, or color fading. Address any issues promptly to prevent them from worsening.

Source: Labels for Lunch YT Channel


Well, there you have it, the ultimate guide on how to clean lambskin leather.

Taking care of your leather pieces keeps them looking great and extends their lifespan.

By following the tips outlined in this post, you can ensure that your lambskin leather items remain in top condition for years.

Whether it’s a jacket, handbag, or a pair of shoes, proper care and maintenance can make all the difference in preserving the beauty and quality of your leather pieces.

With a little time and effort, your lambskin leather items will continue to turn heads and stand the test of time. 

Resources Consulted

James Chiles

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