How Do You Paint Leather Shoes? Easy Techniques

Have you ever had a pair of leather shoes that looked worn out or scuffed?

Maybe the color’s faded, or a scuff won’t disappear.

Painting leather shoes is a fun and creative way to give your footwear a fresh new look, and it’s easier than you might think.

When I first painted my leather shoes, I was nervous. But with the right tools and techniques, they turned out great.

In this blog, we’ll explore everything from the materials you need to prepare your shoes, painting them, and taking care of them afterward.

How Do You Paint Leather Shoes Infographic

How Do You Paint Leather Shoes?

Materials Needed

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Leather Preparer/Deglazer
  • Leather Paint
  • Paintbrushes or Sponges
  • Painter’s Tape
  • Finisher/Sealant
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Newspaper or Drop Cloth

1. Prepare the Shoes

Preparation is key. Here’s how to get your shoes prepped:

First, clean your shoes. Use a damp cloth to remove dust, and dirt from the surface. For stubborn stains, a leather cleaner can work wonders.

When I first painted my old leather boots, I skipped the cleaning step and ended up with uneven paint and peeling.

Next, remove the laces. This might seem obvious, but it’s easy to overlook. I once forgot to remove the laces and ended up with a mess

If your shoes have a glossy finish or previous paint job that you want to change, use a leather preparer and deglazer. It strips the factory finish and any oils or waxes that might keep the paint from sticking.

Grab some painter’s tape and mask off any areas you don’t want to paint, like the soles or metal parts. This helps keep your lines clean and prevents any accidental paint splatters.

Once cleaned and prepped, allow your shoes to dry completely. This step is crucial, paint won’t adhere well to damp leather, and rushing this part could affect your final results.

2. Choose the Right Paint

Not all paints are created equal, so pick the right one for a lasting and vibrant finish.

Acrylic Leather Paints: Acrylic-based leather paints are specifically formulated to adhere well to leather surfaces without cracking or peeling. They come in various colors, are water-based, and dry relatively fast. I’ve had good experiences with brands like Angelus and Jacquard Leatherspaints.

Fiebing’s Leather Dye: This is a good option if you’re looking for a more permanent color change or want to achieve a richer, deeper shade. Just remember, dyes are typically not as color-versatile as acrylic paints.

Now, onto the fun part, choosing your colors. Select colors that match your vision for the shoes. When I painted my first pair of shoes, I went for a mix of bright colors to make them stand out.

It’s wise to test the paint on a small, inconspicuous area of the shoe. This ensures compatibility with the leather and gives you a preview of the color and finish.

3. Apply the Paint

Applying the paint is where the magic happens, it’s fun and creative.

Begin by applying a base coat of your chosen leather paint. Use smooth, even strokes with a brush suitable for leather.

2. Build Up Layers

Depending on the opacity of your paint and the desired color intensity, you may need to apply multiple layers.

Allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next one.

Building thin layers ensures a more even finish and prevents the paint from cracking or peeling later. Don’t rush this step, I’ve learned that patience pays off when painting leather shoes.

3. Add Details 

Once your base coat is dry, it’s time to add details to your design. Use smaller brushes or even toothpicks for fine lines and intricate patterns.

Stencils are a great way to add intricate designs to your shoes.

I love adding little flourishes and unexpected touches to make each pair of shoes unique.

4. Let It Dry Completely

Once you’re happy with your design, allow the shoes to dry completely. This is crucial for ensuring the paint sets properly and won’t smudge or smear.

I accidentally smudged a nearly finished design because I didn’t wait for the paint to dry completely.

5. Apply a Finisher

After the paint has dried, apply a coat of finisher or sealer to protect your masterpiece. This helps preserve the colors and adds a layer of durability against everyday wear and tear.

Source: The Modest Fashionista YT Channel

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Painting Leather Shoes

When painting leather shoes, there are several common mistakes that you should avoid to ensure a successful and professional-looking result:

One of the biggest mistakes people make when painting leather shoes is not prepping the surface. Skipping this step can result in poor paint adhesion and uneven color application.

Acrylic or water-based paints might seem convenient but they crack or peel off leather over time. Instead, opt for leather or vinyl paint specifically designed for use on footwear.

Applying a thick layer of paint was another mistake I made initially. Thick layers can dry unevenly and may crack or flake off as they dry.

Once you’ve finished painting your leather shoes, it’s crucial to seal the paint to protect it from wear and tear. I once neglected to seal the paint, and within a few weeks, it started chipping

Allow each layer of paint to dry completely before adding another coat or sealing the paint. Once, I was in a hurry to finish painting a pair of leather sneakers. I didn’t let the layers dry properly between coats, and the colors ended up smudging together.

If you want to keep certain parts of your shoes unpainted, such as the soles or hardware, mask these areas with painter’s tape before you start painting.

Avoid painting in extreme heat or cold, as this can affect the drying time and finish off the paint. One scorching summer day, I attempted to paint leather boots outdoors.

The paint dried instantly, leaving streaks and uneven patches that were hard to correct.

Pros and Cons of Painting Leather Shoes

Here’s a simple table outlining the pros and cons of painting leather shoes

Pros Cons
Give new life to tired-looking leather shoes and change their color. Paint can eventually chip or wear off, especially with frequent wear.
Create unique designs and personalize your shoes. Applying paint correctly takes practice to avoid a messy finish.
Choose from a vast range of colors to match your style. Using non-leather specific paint can crack and peel.
Painting is generally cheaper than buying new shoes. The process requires cleaning, prepping, painting multiple coats, and drying time.
Some leather paints offer water resistance for added protection.
Painting can slightly reduce the breathability of leather.

Caring for Painted Leather Shoes

Caring for painted leather shoes is essential to maintain their appearance and prolong their lifespan. Here are some tips on how to properly care for painted leather shoes:

1. Regular Cleaning

Keep your painted leather shoes clean by wiping them down with a soft, damp cloth to remove dirt and dust.

I wipe my painted leather shoes with a damp cloth after each wear. It helps keep them looking fresh and vibrant.

2. Proper Storage

Store your painted leather shoes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent the paint from fading or cracking.

3. Avoid Water Exposure

Painted leather shoes are more susceptible to water damage, so avoid wearing them in rainy or wet conditions.

I once got caught in a sudden rainstorm while wearing my painted leather shoes, and they ended up with water spots.

4. Use a Leather Conditioner

To keep the leather supple and prevent cracking, apply a leather conditioner to your painted shoes every few months.

I’ve noticed that applying a leather conditioner to my painted leather shoes helps the paint stay intact.

5. Rotate Your Shoes

Avoid wearing your painted leather shoes every day to prevent excessive wear and tear on the paint and leather.

Rotating your shoes with other pairs will help extend the life of the paint and maintain their overall quality.

Source: Fieldey TV: Art & Tutorials YT Channel


So there you have it, painting your leather shoes is doable.

It is a fun and rewarding project that can give your favorite pair a fresh new look without breaking the bank.

Cleaning, priming, and choosing the right paint are essential to ensure a smooth and durable finish.

Whether renewing old shoes or adding a personal touch to new ones, painting leather shoes is a great way to express your style and breathe new life into your footwear collection.

Take your time, follow the steps we’ve covered, and don’t be afraid to get creative with colors and designs.

Resources Consulted

James Chiles

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